Dave Persue: Charmed Life 奇喵的人生

2023.10.21 ~ 2023.11.25

Taipei City

Exhibition Details:
Dave Persue: Charmed Life 奇喵的人生

2023.10.21 ~ 2023.11.25


龍門雅集 Longmen Art Projects, Arrival Arts Agency

以具有街頭潮流藝術元素的創作風格而聞名,美國知名街頭藝術家 Dave Persue的作品充滿了夢幻、幽默和獨特的視覺效果,並在作品裡以一個結合了兔子和貓特徵的角色"BunnyKitty"為代表,不僅呈現色彩繽紛的畫面,也營造出鮮活、奇幻、且充滿童趣的氛圍。

在本次<Dave Persue: Charmed Life 奇喵的人生>展覽中,121 ART SPACE與龍門雅集合作展出藝術家Dave Persue的創作,

將引領您欣賞街頭噴漆與潮流藝術如何為空間增添潮流風采、帶來嶄新的視覺感受,也一併呈現Dave Persue作品之中BunnyKitty, Rilla及Twurp等角色的故事性,尋訪作品之中所蘊含的細膩情感與內涵。

10/21-11/25期間,邀請您蒞臨121 ART SPACE,與我們一同徜徉 PERSUE多彩而充滿街頭潮流風格的奇"喵"藝術世界!

  • Descended from a line of acclaimed artists, Dave "Persue" Ross continues family tradition and is recognized by his colleagues and peers as a true artistic pioneer. In the late 80's, Persue (pronounced 'per-SWAY'), found himself irresistibly drawn to the world of graffiti.

    With an energetic, illustrative style, his technical ability and poise as a young writer quickly earned him the respect of his contemporaries throughout the world. Between 1991 and 2010, Persue transcended boundaries both on and off the street by bridging the gap between underground and mainstream culture in the skateboarding industry. With an impressive design resume that pre-dates almost any example of street aesthetics being paired with skateboarding, his influence is woven seamelessly into the fabric of modern day youth culture.

    In 2010 Persue shifted his focus from corporate work to his own projects. He eventually brought his endeavors full circle by relocating to New York City in 2014, returning his family's brand called "Home" to its roots, which reach into New York City's past as far back as the 60's. His background as a graphic artist, designer and muralist affords him a natural transition into the fine art sphere as his aesthetic continues to evolve. Persue now produces his latest work as a bi-coastal artist, based in New York City.

Dave Persue