Mariko Ohashi

Hyogo, Japan


Mariko Ohashi was born in Hyogo, Japan and graduated from the Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Oil Painting Course in Kyoto University of Art and Design. She also completed the master of oil painting at Tama Art University. Since 2012, she has actively participated in numerous exhibitions both domestically and internationally. In 2022, she had the opportunity to represent the Taipei gallery PTT SPACE at the Taipei Contemporary Art Exhibition.

Mariko Ohashi employs collage as a technique for depicting time, creating a complex and interconnected realm of images. Ohashi's artistic creations go beyond mere paintings, incorporating multiple layers and folded compositions that evoke a sense of hand-drawn imprints. Through her work, she prompts us to contemplate painting as more than just visual representations but as objects or tangible remnants. Additionally, Ohashi's pieces invite introspection on the concept of time itself and our connection to it. In an era characterized by digitalization and the diminishing significance of physicality, Ohashi's art possesses the capacity to stimulate contemplation about the significance of materials, painting, and the human form.