The Art of Luxury

2023.09.20 ~ 2023.09.27

Taipei City

Exhibition Details:
The Art of Luxury

2023.09.20 ~ 2023.09.27


"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." -Coco Chanel


121 ART SPACE與羅芙奧精品合作,展出Praiya, Praew以及Jaz Harold三位女性藝術家的創作;現場搭配香奈兒外套以及珍稀愛馬仕包款等經典的夢幻逸品,帶您看見Praiya筆下自然花草的細膩,領略Praew畫作裡古今建築的奇妙交會,並感受Jaz Harold創作裡內涵的女性氣質、感性氛圍及純潔的本質。


  • Demonstrating a remarkable command of realistic art, Praiya portrays the ethereal beauty and delicate innocence of nature. Through meticulous attention to detail, her evocative imagery reflects a profound appreciation for the grace and serenity of the natural world.

  • Seamlessly blending traditional and modern architectural influences, Praew's art embraces the aesthetic contrasts inherent in these divergent styles. Her semi-abstract compositions serve as a conduit for exploring the dynamic interplay between tradition and modernity, resulting in visually compelling and thought-provoking pieces.

  • Jaz Harold, an artist specializing in sculpture, is located in New York.

    Her artistic creations reflect the concepts of purification, catharsis, and growth, while intentionally captivating an air of childlike innocence.

    Jaz's artwork possesses a tender and welcoming quality, incorporating luxurious textiles, blossoming flowers, and soft pastel shades.

    Her pieces exude a simultaneous essence of femininity, sensuality, and purity. In an effort to counter a society that intertwines sexuality with feelings of shame and guilt, Jaz skillfully produces gentle, accessible, and occasionally lighthearted portrayals of subjects such as sex, love, and personal development.

Jaz Harold

